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The Peace Corps Connect has launched

PeaceCorpsConnect - our redesigned website is live, well almost. You are visiting the beta (test) version of the social networking portion of the site. Right now we are on schedule to officially launch Peace Corps Connect on January 20th.Please be patient as we get settled in and continue to make changes. Look around, offer suggestions. We welcome your feedback and hope that you'll be excited about possibilities that can emerge by connecting the Peace Corps community.The PEACE CORPS CONNECT MISSION:Peace Corps Connect engages those who served in the Peace Corps, or share the Peace Corps values, to build communities that inform, inspire, and integrate experiences that promote understanding and appreciation of other countries and cultures and sustainable development across the globe.PEACE CORPS CONNECT PROVIDES: - A "hub" of information about Peace Corps for current, future, and past volunteers, Peace Corps staff, and other interested individuals. - Online building blocks to bring together individuals with similar interests. - A springboard for advocacy initiatives to inform the Peace Corps community about "calls to action." - A library of institutional knowledge about the projects of current and past volunteers to promote development work. - Resources for returned volunteers about careers, graduate schools, service opportunities, travel, and a variety of other relevant areas.
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