The 19th group of American Peace Corps volunteers, a batch of 33, will betaking the oath to serve in Guyana on July 26.The announcement said they will be sworn at the residence of United StatesAmbassador, Mr. David Robinson, Cummings Lodge, after an eight-weektraining programme that began on June 1.A press release said they will be assigned within the health, education andinformation technology sectors to join 30 others already serving in eight ofthe 10 Administrative Regions.The trainees, who arrived on May 31, have been involved in pre-servicecourse, with the focus on providing them with opportunities and experiencewhich would enable them to function effectively in the project areas ofcommunity health education and promotion, the release said.The release said the course was also to integrate them easily into theGuyanese society and make them consciously responsible for their personalhealth and safety and understand Peace Corps policies and procedures toenhance their field work.The statement said, so far, at least 160 volunteers have served in thiscountry and the new group will be spend two years.It recalled that the Peace Corps was created by the late President John F.Kennedy, in March 1961, with the aim of providing human resource technologyassistance to requesting developing countries.From 1966 through 1971, about 60 of its volunteers did service in Guyana andthe Peace Corps was invited to return, by the late President Dr. CheddiJagan in 1993, resulting in the next batch arriving in 1995.The statement said Peace Corps is pleased to provide assistance to thepeople of Guyana and extends its gratitude to the Government and people forthe hospitality and opportunity it offers the volunteers to assist inachieving the nation's development aspirations.
The 19th Peace Corps group to be sworn in